About Me

Why did I create this website?

Hi there, I’m Dee. The goal of this website is to share my journey through significant health challenges and the insights I’ve gained in pursuit of well-being. By documenting my battles with cancer, the aftermath of treatments, and the quest for effective health solutions, I aim to empower others facing similar struggles. The website curates and disseminates valuable information on cutting-edge health treatments, supplements, and tools recommended by leading health experts. Through this platform, I hope to raise awareness and provide accessible, transformative health options to improve quality of life.

The below outlines the last 10 years of my life, leading up to the publication of LikeWhoa.pro.

Battling Cancer and Its Aftermath

My fight with cancer was like being thrust into a battle I never signed up for. Emerging victorious into remission felt like winning a war, but the aftermath was another story. To combat the side effects of chemotherapy, I turned to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Unfortunately, an excessive dosage may have led to high blood pressure and thickened blood, and may have contributing to severe varicose veins and blood pooling in my lower legs.

My own vices—hookah, marijuana, a poor diet, and lack of exercise—didn’t help. The isolation during Canada’s COVID-19 lockdowns only made these habits worse.

Me in lingerie, aka compression socks.

Saving my Legs – The Decision for Surgery

My legs, if left untreated, were a ticking time bomb – threatening open ulcers, blood clots, strokes, and pulmonary embolisms. The symptoms were harrowing: blood vessels bursting in my shins, chest pains, weakness, numbness, chills, and night sweats. Each night, I wondered if I would wake up the next morning.

To reclaim my legs, I chose endovenous laser varicose vein surgery (EVLT). This procedure involved a surgeon threading a wire through my main superficial leg vein from ankle to groin, then using a laser to obliterate it. The varicose veins feeding into the saphenous vein subsequently perished, and my body naturally absorbed the dead veins, forming new blood vessels. The procedure took an hour, and I could walk home afterward, albeit in pain.

Post-Surgery Challenges

Post-surgery, I sported stylish black compression socks from toes to nuts for weeks. Eventually, I had a new pair of legs, though numbness has lingered to this day (4 months and counting) due to temporary nerve damage from the laser.

Canada’s “Free” Healthcare?

Despite Canada’s “free healthcare” and my employer-provided insurance, the laser vein procedure wasn’t covered. I had to prove to OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Plan) that I had developed an open ulcer or experienced a stroke. Unless you’re on the brink of death, the cost is out-of-pocket. I paid $10,000 CAD. Ouch.

Encountering Medical Incompetence

From cancer to TRT to leg surgery, I met numerous incompetent doctors. One advised me to simply wear compression socks for my swollen legs. Another ignored high hematocrit and cholesterol levels in my bloodwork. After five years on TRT, my family doctor suggested I quit cold turkey, risking serious health issues.

The Glacial Pace of Canadian Healthcare

The slow pace of Canadian healthcare compounds these issues. It can take weeks to get an appointment, bloodwork, and a follow-up visit with a family doctor. Referrals to specialists can take months, delaying proper diagnosis for over a year. Patient deaths during this protracted waiting period are not uncommon.

Taking Charge: A New Chapter – Relocating to Thailand

Determined to take charge of my health, I quit my 9-5, moved to Thailand, and dedicated myself to LikeWhoa.pro. My days are now filled with workouts, a proper diet, and consuming as much information from health gurus as possible. Though far from an expert, I relish curating content, aiming to share the top tools, supplements, devices, and health tests used by these gurus. By clicking on a guru’s name, you can instantly see everything they are taking and in what dosage.

On the homepage, simply select a health guru to see all the tools they use.

Exploring Revolutionary Health Treatments and Spreading Awareness

Another goal is to illuminate the latest health treatments and available tools—regenerative medicine, stem cell therapy, peptide therapy, gene therapy, hormone therapy. When applied correctly, these treatments can be transformative, restoring quality of life to those with chronic illnesses or injuries. Stem cells can enable people to walk again or repair shoulder injuries without surgery. Peptide therapy can restore normalcy to those with degenerative illnesses. Gene therapy can extend life. The list is endless.

When I mention these treatments to friends, they often stare at me, cross-eyed, unaware that such options even exist.

Goal: To Achieve Optimum Metabolic Health, Rejuvenate, and Feel Phenomenal Every Day

Even though I’ve tackled numerous health challenges, my quest for optimal health is just kicking off. Recent blood tests revealed that my cholesterol and a few other markers are all over the place. My sleep habits are still a mess, and quitting weed has been tougher than I thought. By following advice from various health gurus and consistently retesting my blood, I’m aiming to achieve peak metabolic health. I’ll be posting blog updates, sharing guru advice and videos along the way. While my health issues might differ from yours, many gurus believe that most health problems stem from a common culprit: poor metabolic health.

To stay updated, feel free to join my newsletter.

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A Small Note on Affiliate Links

Throughout this site, you will find affiliate links. Should you choose to purchase any of the recommended products, I receive a modest commission. This, however, does not affect the price you pay. In fact, for certain items, I have procured discount codes offering 10% off the retail price. These codes are either displayed beneath the product or applied automatically via the “buy” button. Using these links not only supports my endeavors but also sustains my feline companion. If you do decide to make a purchase, please consider using my link.

Me in compression socks with my cat.